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- The Public Service Broadcasting That Doesn't Take Responsibilities -

  Yesterday on October 26 Boxer Kouki Kameda appeared in the press conference held by the gym in which he belonged to apologize. On 11 his younger brother, Daiki Kameda fought for WBA Flyweight belt boxing bout World against the current champion, Daisuke Naito where the challenger in the 12th round of fight repeatedly played fouls because he was desperate. He knew he was losing. On behalf of Kameda family, Kouki Kameda officially apologized for the uproar his brother's fouls caused and also he admitted that he himself advised his brother to do so during the match. On the one hand, many felt the family was going too far all this time. On the other hand, much stronger promotion on them led by the TV, was overwhelming the alert. The public broadcasting has never apologized so far in spite of the fact that it has its responsibility for the society about what it has aired as well as that the TV station conducted the promotion of this family to the absurdest level just to get high rating.

  On 11 in the fight, the moment Daiki Kameda played foul, the boxing bout was no longer sport. His actions betrayed the boxing fans, despised Naito, the champion having had to deal with the fouls, and disgraced boxing. Inevitably, the challenger's father as well as his brother, Kouki, who instructed him to play fouls received penalties.
  However, during the very moments Daiki Kameda committing fouls the announcer, an employee of the TV station, never even made any critical comments on his actions. Furthermore, for months this broadcasting did bring Kameda family on its variety shows to gain attentions emphasizing the strong tie within the family in order to promote the family members all together. Yet, when the table was turned and criticism mounted, the producers and the ad agency that had involved in the whole thing went backstage hiding. These sort of people have no ethics or life philosophy and certainly, a thought of taking responsibility does not go through their minds. They do anything for money and viewer rating. Something went wrong, so they just put 20-year-old Kouki Kameda in front to take all the heat. What are they doing right now? They are hunting for their next profitable target.
  This year Drama "Hagetaka(Vulture i.e.)" was aired twice on NHK. It depicted so-called 10-year loss of Japan, meaning how much and what Japanese lost after the burst of the bubble economy. In effect, it was this drama only that summarized the painful period of the nation. The show even took up a back-scratching relationship of government and business. Now, this drama has been highly recognized abroad. By the way, the drama didn't get high viewer rating which only means high rating doesn't prove high quality of a show. Good shows always are deeply engraved on people's minds who watch them for a long time.

HP URL for ドラマ "Hagetaka"

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―Childishness - Sex Predators―

  Last week in America a man, named Chester Stiles,37, was arrested and charged with 24 felonies. He raped 2-year old baby and even videotaped the scene. Child pornography is spread in the country. It is humiliating that there are many Japanese consumers for that products are in fact. In Stiles' case, D.A said he would receive nothing less than life sentence without parole. The environment that this man was raised under was as horrible as it makes one want to cover one's ears. Yet, considering the extent of crimes Stiles has committed, extenuating the environmental circumstances of his childhood won't be taken and, he will be off the streets for good, says the authority.

  Many comment TV shows aired are so rubbish that they are making Japanese viewers become inmature. TV stations nowadays sell youth of very young talents and consider a hit if the show rating gets over 20%. In past popular shows would go near 40%, meaning producers have lowered their standard. Enormous amount of money spent on making TV shows and yet, as found out some of the shows' contents are made-up and even copied from other shows. TV people claim that they anticipate vogue. However, the ideas they come up with to air have neither originality,creativity nor quality in short. Their excuse for not receiving good rating as they used to do is attribution to widespread other type of media than TV such as Internet. Adults as producers use kids targeting kids for their show. Because it is boring people don't watch it. They just don't get it. They don't even face that fact.
  Recently sexual harassment is considered as a matter of problem at last. Nonetheless, this has always been there in the Japanese society for a long time and women have been up against it. Such childish men who have merely aged under the existing stressful society aim at kids the men can control. Meanwhile, sexual harassment as well as power harassment on TV shows are carelessly aired. The level of that can not possibly be allowed in other developed countries. No wonder the Japanese show business is belittled. They've got to stop using kids as products!

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Necessity of Visualization System during Interrogation

  In Toyama and Kagoshima prefectures, innocent people were indicted despite that they were all innocent but eventually they were forced to confessions. The fear that one day, out of blue an ordinary man could be arrested for a crime he or she didn't commit but still sent to jail, evoked uproar across Japan. Although the police department and prosecutors are against introducing visualization system to interrogation, the debate regarding its necessity has been heated now. Mother-and-her-11-month-old-baby-murder case of Hikari City has just revealed the necessity of the system and clearly made the point.
  The defendant's 21 attorneys at first emphasized his mental immaturity and foremost, he had neither intent to kill the two victims nor to rape the mother. Then, because forced confession during interrogation has been recognized as a problem right now, all of sudden the attorneys changed their strategy to use this issue favorable to the defendant by having him testify that his statement was distorted while he was interrogated by the police as well as the prosecutors. Since the interrogation took place behind closed doors, it won't be constructive anymore.
  Here must have scientific facts in order to find the truth. The forensic scientists who examined the victims' bodies should provide clear testimony in court because they do know what the mother and her baby cried out when their lives ended.
  8 years have passed since the horrible incident occurred. The family of the deceased are now confused and hurt over again due to the enormous change in the
defendant's testimony backed by 21 lawyers. As in two years time jury system will start in Japan, videotaped interrogation should be introduced for both sake.
  By the way, this murder case of Hikari City has hard evidence media do not mention these days. The letter the defendant wrote in his free time and sent to his friend after the first trial. The contents of the letter, beyond any reasonable doubt, show his evilness and also tell his motive, intent to kill and confidence that he could get away with it alive which totally oppose all guilty conscience he said he had weeping in this round of trial.

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Breaking News!Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe Resigns

  From 14:00 in Japan time, Prime minister Abe holds a conference where he officially announces his resignation. Because of this the Diet session scheduled in this afternoon at 13:00 was cancelled. Mr. Nagatsuma, a congress man of Democratic Party of Japan, who has been working hard on pension issues was supposed to question regarding just that.

  In the Upper House many assumed that the special anti-terrorism law would be likely voted down. Furthermore, since he became a prime minister last September, he has not been able to make any progress on the abduction issue. However, 25 years ago when the abductees' families were desperately looking for help from the government as well as other political parties, it was only Mr. Shinzo Abe who was the secretary of his father, Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe, sincerely listened to their outcry. This is also a fact.
  In the session cancelled today, one could only wonder what questions would have been thrown from Democratic Party of Japan to the Prime minister now resigning. Maybe they could have been something leading to unknown problems to surface, which people could not possibly imagine at this point. What does the former prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi who paved a path for Mr. Abe to become a prime minister, think about this situation right now?

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憲法21条 言論と表現の自由



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Article 21 of the Constitution - Freedom of Speech and Expression

  The Japan Sumo Association revoked the reporting certification from the former NHK anchor of sumo wrestling just because he nodded while other journalists criticized the association with regard to Asashoryu-related issue. This is clearly an unconstitutional act. What is regrettable is that among News programs aired tonight, only News23 reported this matter.

  Under Article 21 of the Constitution with no premise, unconditionally i.e. freedom of speech and freedom of expression are guaranteed. The Constitution is the supreme law of the nation. Despite that the Japan Sumo Association is a public benefit corporation in the first place, it imposed pressure on one sumo commentator nodding to criticism made by others. This is outrageous and the association's act did serious harm to public. 
  The sound society needs journalists and reporters to gather news materials necessarily to let the public know what's happening so that people can think and debate. This is the fundamental of democracy. The association shocked not only sumo fans but also the society itself.

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経済的自衛 ハゲタカに負けるな



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Economic Self-Defense Against Vulture Fund

  The information posted on July 29 -What was Behind the Plunging Nikkei Stock Average? - turned out to be right. Yesterday, a well-known economic specialist clearly stated that securitized sub prime loans the U.S hedge funds had sold to Japanese banks and securities companies were in fact put into part of the portfolio, REIT. Then, these domestic financial institutions sold them to individuals in Japan. After all, vultures existed within the country as well.

  No one is able to predict how far the U.S financial economy is going to fall in the future. Although FRB pumped billions into the U.S market trying to improve liquidity, it was not very effective. Furthermore, it lowered the official interest rate to which the U.S market reacted well. However, this seems to be a temporary measure. As long as the U.S vulture fund investment corporations that induced Asian Currency Crisis in 1997, control the world markets in the way they like it, Japan will fall along with those markets. Remember there is a difference between Japanese economy and the U.S economy. In Japan, there are many companies that have improved their business performance as much as workers have sacrificed themselves for it. On the contrary, the U.S economy has been led by its financial economy after IT bubble burst.
  It is a wake-up call for those swayed by gossips "Rich being a winner" "Poor being a loser" and victimized by hedge funds. People who have such immature value, usually have never experienced anything they could not buy. Buying shares of Japanese companies that clearly disclose their financial condition, stick to their specialized core business, and never allow only their management personnel to have extraordinary raise, is a mean to protect the nation against vultures. Don't forget some of them are Japanese funds. Economic self-defense is needed now in order to keep a certain distance from the U.S market which many concern it may deteriorate further due to the sub prime loan issue.

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  小泉氏が総理大臣になれた理由は「自民党をぶっ壊す」と言い、田中真紀子議員の自民党に対する痛烈な批判応援 で、国民は彼を選んだ。小泉前首相がなぜ高支持率を維持できたのか、国民の期待はいったい何であったのかについて、誰も明言しなかった。「道路公団民営化」「郵政民営化-民間に出来る事は、民間に。公務員がやる必要はない」小泉首相は、官僚制度にメスを入れ、そこに癒着していた自民党の組織基盤が崩れた。遠の昔に半世紀続いた与党を見放していた無党派は、小泉総理就任後、彼が自民党を支えていた組織を潰していく様を見て、小泉前首相を支持していたのであろう。しかし、彼は創り出す事ができず、国民生活も同時に壊れた。


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Democracy of Political Independents

  TV-oriented journalists were all taken by surprise to see the result of the Upper House election on July 29, saying “This is the crushing defeat of the Liberal Democratic Party”. They are always looking at politicians, not civilians so that they couldn’t have even imagined how strong people’s wrath was because those journalists bases their views about civilians only on opinion surveys. This election in fact clearly showed democracy of political independents.
When the Upper House election of 2001, the first national election in the 21st century was held, the move of the democratic political-independents, called “Wind” by the TV journalists, became explicit. First of all, almost all the TV-oriented journalists as well as political commentators had expected in advance that former prime minister, Ryutaro Hashimoto would be again the next prime minister by the number of his political clique, no chance for Mr. Koizumi. However, after Koizumi administration formed and he won a sweeping victory for the Upper House election in 2001 because a huge number of people voted for Liberal Democratic Party listening to him and Makiko Tanaka, then a Dietwoman, to say repeatedly that he would reform the nation even if it would result in breaking LDP. Actually he was able to become a prime minister with Makiko Tanaka’s strong support both having severely criticized LDP, and that grabbed attention from political independents.
  No one has answered the question about why Koizumi administration maintained high approval rating until he left the office and where people’s expectation had been for him all the time. As seen in the privatization of Public Roads Administration as well as of postal service, Mr. Koizumi kept saying that private business could do the work much more effectively than public officials. Thus, people watched he cut deeply into vested interest of bureaucrats, which led to breaking organized votes, the supporting base for LDP by receiving benefits from bureaucracy. In contrast, political independents had already turned their back on bureaucracy and its alliance, LDP, and thereby supported Koizumi administration. However, he ended up broking the base of lives for middle-class at the same time.

  It needs to be clearly noted it was not viewers but TV that theatricalized Koizumi administration in the first place. Democracy has to have functioning check and balance closely watching those in power. The Upper House election of 2007 proved people were very much able to work as balance the power and press as check. TV stations totally occupied by viewer rating absolutism make news before they air these days, indifferent to reflecting popular will. Probably it is better for political independents to speak for themselves directly to diet representatives of their electoral districts respectively.
Tokyo was one of the closely-contested electoral districts in the election this time. Although both two candidates from Democratic Party of Japan won, Mr. Ryuhei Kawada received second-highest turnout from political independents and won the seat. The present bureaucracy which has been existing ever since Edo period, survives having sacrificed so many civilians as seen in the outrageous pension issue. Mr. Kawada was one of the sacrificed and especially political independents probably found his running worthy to send him to the Diet as a representative for them.
  The Japanese have to think seriously about the future of Japan, the only nation ever struck with nuclear bombs. Otherwise, there is nothing to stop the country that has once gone to war uncontrollably. WWII survivors who were sent to the war have started talking about how horrible it was. Listen to them and listen carefully to what they tell.

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What was Behind the Plunging Nikkei Stock Average?

  On July 27 Nikkei Stock Average took a huge dive and closed down 418.28 yen from the day before at 17283 yen. According to the reports it was because the U.S mortgage market went soar leading to the plunge of the New York market. Until very recently the U.S investment companies specialized in hedge funds that have been making large profits through yen-carry trades gained high returns. They securitized real estate loan portfolio, called sub prime loans, high-yield funds for the low income group. However, many analysts say that the sub prime loan funds were viewed as bad debts and therefore, the hedge funds-specialized companies cashed out to cover the losses, which caused a rise in the exchange rate of yen influencing the stock market in Japan even worse.

  It doesn't make perfect sense. First, for years many economists pointed out that the U.S housing market was bubbling. Second, after the burst of the U.S IT bubbles, it was the housing market that became a driving force to lift its economy. There came investment companies that would sell hedge funds, which of course had been covered by the press very often. So, it has been well known that real estates individuals had bought got spiral rise, were resold producing increase in assets for those who had sold them, and consequently turned into the hikes of the estates in lands. During the same period in Japan, banks and securities companies actively engaged in selling commodities, called REIT, foreign real estate funds especially the U.S housing stocks dominating the portfolio. Moreover, both stock prices and interest rates in Japan were very low, enhancing popularity of foreign-bonds funds among individual investors in Japan. Again, the U.S bonds occupied a considerable percentage of the funds portfolio.
  On July 27, the leading companies of Japan that belong to Japan Federation of Economic Organization faced drop in their stock prices. Nobody has really explained about why so far. These companies increased revenue by huge lay-offs, ignoring labor’s poor working environment, and benefits from tax break by the government.
  In the past few months some analysts said when Nikkei Stock Average came close to 18,000yen, it was the trust banks of Japan that cashed out and thus, the average went down. Those trust banks’ corporate parents are the domestic mega-banks that form a capital alliance with loan sharks targeting the socially vulnerable. In fact, as soon as the loan sharks sank deep into the red resulting in selling bank stocks, Nikkei Stock Average tumbled down last week.
  When the banks were on the verge of financial crisis, they were bailed out with taxpayers' money. In spite of the fact that they are now making record high profits, they do not pay tax for their revenues. In other words, the banks sold people commodities to support the U.S economy and cashed out because they maybe wanted to cover the loan-sharks-related deficit, knew very well about deteriorating the U.S mortgage market, and saw the wind against the leading parties of the government for the upcoming Upper House election being much stronger than they had thought. This could be the very important factor that led the downward spiral of the stock market in Japan last week.

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  前回の 住民税引き上げの記事 で、全国の地方公共団体給与サイトを紹介したが、なぜかその後ブロックされて閲覧できなくなっているので、北九州市職員の給与を独自に調べ公開する。平成17年度、彼らの年間平均給与は¥6,744,000。平成18年度4月1日、つまり今回餓死した男性の生活保護を打ち切った月の平均給与は¥451,375。昨年末の冬のボーナスは平均¥722,200。

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Kitakyushu City again Led a man on Welfare to Starving to Death

  On July 10 a man found dead by starvation according to the district police. This man was so sick that he couldn't work and went on welfare at the end of last year. However, Kitakyushu City terminated his welfare in April this year.
  In fact approximately 50 people starve to death every year in Japan, many of whom were rejected to receive welfare by their ward offices. As long as media reports, amazingly for 3 years in the row starting from 2005 one person has continued to die of starvation due to cut-offs welfare by the city. In fact, media has covered abnormality of the city that had the instruction manual about how to get away with people in suffer applying for welfare.

  Although the information in this past blog Inhabitant Tax Raise Applied to Public Servants introduced the site regarding the payments for local public organization, the site has been blocked. So here is the number of the average salary that Kitakyushu City officials received in 2005, 6.744 million yen. In 2007 as of April 1 meaning that in this very month they terminated the man's welfare got 451,375 yen a month. Their winter bonus was on the average 722,200 yen.
  The man who starved to death left one sentence in his diary behind "I just want to eat a rice ball".
  Do these supposed to be "public servants" ever think of what a human's life is worth? They have been so used to living well off on taxpayers' money that thay can not actually even imagine it.

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Inhabitant Tax Raise Applied to Public Servants

  Workers at ward offices are busy corresponding to flooded protests by salaried man who saw their payment slips, self-employed individuals and pensioners who have all found huge raise of local tax enforced in this month. Last year, the fiscal year of 2006, the annual salary for office workers at private business went down less than 4.4 million yen. On the contrary, local-government workers receive a large amount of salary. Those at regular service in Tokyo got paid on the average 7,092,072 yen last year. Yesterday, on June 29 they received summer bonus, called "payment on hard work".

  In English civil officers are called public servants literally meaning people dedicating their work for a society. Are those in Japan aware of the meaning of it? In the private sector one person has to cover 3-men's work. In contrast, at ward offices you can see three people share 1-person's work.
  Slogan "Reform accompanies pain" was thrown and people have endured the pain which has been so unbearable that it seems forever-lasting. As a result, in the Japanese society 90 people take their own lives everyday. During all this time civil workers have lived well off on taxpayers. Local tax raised this time certainly is applied to their salary and bonus paid twice a year.
  It is high time that each every one of the people should take a close look at whether or not "public servants" at the ward offices of your districts deserve how much they get paid. Ministry of International Affairs and Communication gives information with regard to payments for local municipal organizations.
(The URL related to the information is introduced below)

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速報!!年金問題続報 社保庁夏のボーナス満額



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Breaking News!! The Latest on the Pension Issue
- Summer Bonus for Social Insurance Agency -

  It seemes that so-called remedies for the pension issue will be covered by a huge amount of taxpayers' money. What is more surprising is that the Social Insurance Agency's officials who have diverted and embezzled taxpayers' pension premiums for a long time, receive 640000 yen on the average as summer bonus. Moreover, Director-General of the agency, Murase will get 2.75 million yen, who has never taken any measure to deal with this pension issue since he was questioned severely and then, stated last year that he would closely look into it. Still now, he doesn't even disclose any information on the records of pension payments. As a whole, over 10 billion yen of tax will be handed to these people at the end of this month, June for their summer bonus.

  It is said that the bonus civil officials receive has a name, payment on hard work. What the agency has done all this time should be no longer called sloppy but equal to breach of duty. Therefore, from the viewpoint of society's common sense, bonus should be zero because there has been no hard work. On the one side, the agency is said to be unraveled and changed to a pension organization and there workers are no longer civil officials, meaning they will face lay-offs. On the other side, these non-civil officials's salary will still be covered by taxpayers' money.
At first, pension records were lost when the agency started online management.
  However, the truth is that this social security system for pension was collapsed a long time ago by the hands of the agency, which new evidences revealed everyday totally back up. One of them is that Social Insurance Agency has kept all the ledgers for civil officials' pension records.
  Nevertheless, some politicians think that as the number of inquiries regarding the pension payments on the hot-line set up by the agency is decreasing, taxpayers' anger will cool down if they postpone the election day of the Upper House currently scheduled on July 22. Also, even if it doesn't cool down, the voters in disgust will pay little attention to politics anyway so that the leading coalition with block vote will win as a result. This is all wrong. The media reported that whoever you would talk to on the hot-line is a temporary worker that an official of the agency instructed "evade inquirer well".
  In the international community, Japan is viewed as economic power. There is a question though if Japan is really an advanced nation with no history of change in administration over a half century. During these years, countless numbers of problems such as corruption, breach of duty, collusive bidding and etc have occurred. But still civilians have chosen to hold status quo, and the severe condition they are facing now, is its consequence. It is beyond doubt that this pension issue has to be the key for every one of Japanese to consider how important voting really is. The future of this nation is totally up to the people who live in it.

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Second Life

  The other day, the NHK TV program, close up Gendai, featured Second Life, a new 3-D digital online space created by game soft maker, Linden Lab corp. located in San Francisco. Registered users in the virtual-real society, Second Life, can live another life by creating an avatar. Then, the avatar through socializing with other avatars is able to found a company, sell, buy and simply enjoy the life there using the currency of Second Life, called Linden dollar. If a player, an avatar that is, makes profits, he or she can actually cash in the Linden dollars.
  Linden CEO, Philip Rosedale says "the economy in Second Life is worth over 60 million dollars a year". According to Financial Times dated on May 19, the number of residents as avatars in Second Life is more than 6 million registered from 100 countries of the world. Reebok, too, has opened its shop in Second Life and sells its own sports-related goods.

  One of the few men who enjoyed Second Life that the TV program interviewed was a temporary worker at a factory near his home. He said "I hate to admit but I think I am on the loser's side". Is he? He is facing where he is, and simply having fun in what is called "Second Life", meaning that he may be able to live two lives at the same time.
  Until very recent days, people in the society were categorized into the groups of winners or losers. Those who have got money, succeeded in their business, and earned status, are only called, "members of the winner group".
  However, it has become known that quite a few of "the winners" who would even appeared on TV programs, have cheated, committed frauds and unlawful acts. Many living in the society do not really see any value in those with status who have thrown away their pure motivations they had in the beginning and have not been able to afford time to have fun. It was not the "winners" but the great grandmother of Saga prefecture people praise, and that is the true reality.
(Sano Tokunaga called the great grandmother of Saga prefecture from whom comedian, Yoshichi Shimada, learned a lot of wisdom when he lived with her as a little. He wrote about her and the lessons from her wisdom in his book which has been a mega hit, selling 7 million copies)

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消えた年金記録 「美しい国」を築いた人々の苦悩



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Pension Records Lost
- people anguished who built a beautiful nation -

  During the discussion regarding the reform bills of Social Insurance Agency last month, it came to the surface that the records of pension payments for over 5000 cases were untraceable or even vanished. When the agency made the public pension premium records online in 1978, mistyping names of pension payers occurred and the problem has been left ignored all this time. In addition, after the introducing online management, the records were thrown away. Thereby, that especially the payment records of pension from 1960s to 1970s are unverifiable, has become an huge uproar.
  Nevertheless, in May 30, the bill to abolish the statue of limit for pensions was railroaded in the Committee on Health, Welfare and Labor after only 4-hour deliberation. Then, in June 1, the bill was approved by a majority from the ruling coalition.

  After the WWⅡ, from 1965 to 1975, it was those working-hard Japanese who rebuilt Country Japan from scratch and turned it into a major economic nation today, and the world called the recovery "miracle".
  The people believed their country and trusted the pension system the country created, so they made their payments.
  On the other hand, Social Insurance Agency seemed to treat the pension funds as if they were its allowance to spend while people continued to make payments of pension for savings when they would retire. In fact, the agency diverted the funds to building resort and recreation facilities across the country, and when the operation sank deep into the red, the agency just sold them for 10000yen. As many as 27000 work in the agency which has been letting many of them live in prime locations at absurdly cheap rent.
  The pension system is collapsed. The administrative agency has continuously betrayed the people who with no doubt for the country trusted the system.
  A nation is evolved into“A beautiful country”only when people who live there can be proud of it.

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The first talks between U.S and Iranian envoys after 27 years

  It was in 1980 when U.S and Iran broke up their diplomatic relations. After 27 years since then, on May 28 in Baghdad U.S ambassador, Ryan Croker and Iranian ambassador, Hassan Kazemi Qomi to Iraq had talks joined by Iraqi prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki. Both U.S and Iranian envoys reached a basic policy agreement on stabilizing public safety of Iraq where conflicts have seemed to be never ending.
  However, in the meeting specific measures regarding public security of Iraq were not laid out. Moreover, it is unclear if the bilateral meeting held this time will ever go up to foreign-minister-level of talks.

  Iraq is still in war. Although Japanese media do not report the horrible situations as much as before, children, mothers, fathers are dying everyday. War usually begins where a country finds its "national interests" in another country. Needless to say, a nation can not exist without people who live in it. Then, there is a question about what kind of national interests a country can possibly have when it is losing its people. It is no doubt that the future of Iraq will be on the hands of Iraqi children who have been victimized by the war. For that matter, the country's loss is huge. Normalizing relations between U.S.A and Iran is strongly hoped for. 関連サイト

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Massive Blast in Ankara, Turkey

   On May 23 in Ankara, the capital of Turkey blast struck the downtown in the morning rush hour time. Debris were strewn where over 100 casualties dead and injured. Reportedly, the squad at the scene found plastic explosives.
   Prime minister Recap Tayyip Erdogan said that more concrete measures against terrorist attacks would be needed.  

  Turkey is a country that has both Middle-Eastern and European culture penetrated into its culture. Though dominantly Muslim, the Turkish are very open-minded, friendly, and secular.

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Need Summer Time in Japan?

   On 21, Mr.Mitarai,the chairman of Japan Federation of Economic Organization, said at the press conference that during the meeting with Mr. Nakagawa, the secretary general of Liberal Democratic Party, introducing summer time in Japan was discussed. The chairman continued that starting a day one hour early for 7 months from April to October would contribute to reduce CO2 addressing global warming along with Kyoto Protocol. Later that day, the secretary general instructed an active discussion within the party.

   It is unclear regarding what introducing summer time has anything to do with measures against global warming. Frankly speaking, the organization has not really improved work environment for office workers many of whom have been facing unbelievably long hours. To them, summer time could merely become concern over going to work one hour earlier and even longer work time.

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The Latest on the Shootings in Aichi

   Today, the funeral for the special operative officer who had deceased in the line of duty during the shootings in Aichi Prefecture, was held. Many people came to pay respect for him. According to the source by the police, the offender denied the intention to kill the officer when fired.
   The police said the reason why the police man who first had come to the site and got shot, was left there not rescued for 5 hours was because that was what the offender demanded.
   After the hostage escaped, the police changed their way to stop negotiation and response to calls from the offender. Then, reportedly the criminal started to call 110, an emergency call, a few times begging for not plunging.

   Nowadays, it is often heard that those who committed to murder plead no intention to kill during the interrogation. The offender of the Nagasaki shooting incident allegedly denied the intention to kill also. The well known fact is that if the court accepted no-intention-to-kill claim from the accused, it becomes a manslaughter case, not a homicide, which means lessening doing-time.
   The man who shot his children, had hit his wife quite sometime, and committed to this crime in Nagasaki, begged for his life after having murdered a police officer. Now many people really want to know why the authority in charge of the police department still wanted the unspeakable criminal alive.

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