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On July 27 Nikkei Stock Average took a huge dive and closed down 418.28 yen from the day before at 17283 yen. According to the reports it was because the U.S mortgage market went soar leading to the plunge of the New York market. Until very recently the U.S investment companies specialized in hedge funds that have been making large profits through yen-carry trades gained high returns. They securitized real estate loan portfolio, called sub prime loans, high-yield funds for the low income group. However, many analysts say that the sub prime loan funds were viewed as bad debts and therefore, the hedge funds-specialized companies cashed out to cover the losses, which caused a rise in the exchange rate of yen influencing the stock market in Japan even worse.
It doesn't make perfect sense. First, for years many economists pointed out that the U.S housing market was bubbling. Second, after the burst of the U.S IT bubbles, it was the housing market that became a driving force to lift its economy. There came investment companies that would sell hedge funds, which of course had been covered by the press very often. So, it has been well known that real estates individuals had bought got spiral rise, were resold producing increase in assets for those who had sold them, and consequently turned into the hikes of the estates in lands. During the same period in Japan, banks and securities companies actively engaged in selling commodities, called REIT, foreign real estate funds especially the U.S housing stocks dominating the portfolio. Moreover, both stock prices and interest rates in Japan were very low, enhancing popularity of foreign-bonds funds among individual investors in Japan. Again, the U.S bonds occupied a considerable percentage of the funds portfolio.
On July 27, the leading companies of Japan that belong to Japan Federation of Economic Organization faced drop in their stock prices. Nobody has really explained about why so far. These companies increased revenue by huge lay-offs, ignoring labor’s poor working environment, and benefits from tax break by the government.
In the past few months some analysts said when Nikkei Stock Average came close to 18,000yen, it was the trust banks of Japan that cashed out and thus, the average went down. Those trust banks’ corporate parents are the domestic mega-banks that form a capital alliance with loan sharks targeting the socially vulnerable. In fact, as soon as the loan sharks sank deep into the red resulting in selling bank stocks, Nikkei Stock Average tumbled down last week.
When the banks were on the verge of financial crisis, they were bailed out with taxpayers' money. In spite of the fact that they are now making record high profits, they do not pay tax for their revenues. In other words, the banks sold people commodities to support the U.S economy and cashed out because they maybe wanted to cover the loan-sharks-related deficit, knew very well about deteriorating the U.S mortgage market, and saw the wind against the leading parties of the government for the upcoming Upper House election being much stronger than they had thought. This could be the very important factor that led the downward spiral of the stock market in Japan last week.
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