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The other day, the NHK TV program, close up Gendai, featured Second Life, a new 3-D digital online space created by game soft maker, Linden Lab corp. located in San Francisco. Registered users in the virtual-real society, Second Life, can live another life by creating an avatar. Then, the avatar through socializing with other avatars is able to found a company, sell, buy and simply enjoy the life there using the currency of Second Life, called Linden dollar. If a player, an avatar that is, makes profits, he or she can actually cash in the Linden dollars.
Linden CEO, Philip Rosedale says "the economy in Second Life is worth over 60 million dollars a year". According to Financial Times dated on May 19, the number of residents as avatars in Second Life is more than 6 million registered from 100 countries of the world. Reebok, too, has opened its shop in Second Life and sells its own sports-related goods.
One of the few men who enjoyed Second Life that the TV program interviewed was a temporary worker at a factory near his home. He said "I hate to admit but I think I am on the loser's side". Is he? He is facing where he is, and simply having fun in what is called "Second Life", meaning that he may be able to live two lives at the same time.
Until very recent days, people in the society were categorized into the groups of winners or losers. Those who have got money, succeeded in their business, and earned status, are only called, "members of the winner group".
However, it has become known that quite a few of "the winners" who would even appeared on TV programs, have cheated, committed frauds and unlawful acts. Many living in the society do not really see any value in those with status who have thrown away their pure motivations they had in the beginning and have not been able to afford time to have fun. It was not the "winners" but the great grandmother of Saga prefecture people praise, and that is the true reality.
(Sano Tokunaga called the great grandmother of Saga prefecture from whom comedian, Yoshichi Shimada, learned a lot of wisdom when he lived with her as a little. He wrote about her and the lessons from her wisdom in his book which has been a mega hit, selling 7 million copies)
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