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The information posted on July 29 -What was Behind the Plunging Nikkei Stock Average? - turned out to be right. Yesterday, a well-known economic specialist clearly stated that securitized sub prime loans the U.S hedge funds had sold to Japanese banks and securities companies were in fact put into part of the portfolio, REIT. Then, these domestic financial institutions sold them to individuals in Japan. After all, vultures existed within the country as well.
No one is able to predict how far the U.S financial economy is going to fall in the future. Although FRB pumped billions into the U.S market trying to improve liquidity, it was not very effective. Furthermore, it lowered the official interest rate to which the U.S market reacted well. However, this seems to be a temporary measure. As long as the U.S vulture fund investment corporations that induced Asian Currency Crisis in 1997, control the world markets in the way they like it, Japan will fall along with those markets. Remember there is a difference between Japanese economy and the U.S economy. In Japan, there are many companies that have improved their business performance as much as workers have sacrificed themselves for it. On the contrary, the U.S economy has been led by its financial economy after IT bubble burst.
It is a wake-up call for those swayed by gossips "Rich being a winner" "Poor being a loser" and victimized by hedge funds. People who have such immature value, usually have never experienced anything they could not buy. Buying shares of Japanese companies that clearly disclose their financial condition, stick to their specialized core business, and never allow only their management personnel to have extraordinary raise, is a mean to protect the nation against vultures. Don't forget some of them are Japanese funds. Economic self-defense is needed now in order to keep a certain distance from the U.S market which many concern it may deteriorate further due to the sub prime loan issue.
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