小泉氏が総理大臣になれた理由は「自民党をぶっ壊す」と言い、田中真紀子議員の自民党に対する痛烈な批判応援 で、国民は彼を選んだ。小泉前首相がなぜ高支持率を維持できたのか、国民の期待はいったい何であったのかについて、誰も明言しなかった。「道路公団民営化」「郵政民営化-民間に出来る事は、民間に。公務員がやる必要はない」小泉首相は、官僚制度にメスを入れ、そこに癒着していた自民党の組織基盤が崩れた。遠の昔に半世紀続いた与党を見放していた無党派は、小泉総理就任後、彼が自民党を支えていた組織を潰していく様を見て、小泉前首相を支持していたのであろう。しかし、彼は創り出す事ができず、国民生活も同時に壊れた。
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TV-oriented journalists were all taken by surprise to see the result of the Upper House election on July 29, saying “This is the crushing defeat of the Liberal Democratic Party”. They are always looking at politicians, not civilians so that they couldn’t have even imagined how strong people’s wrath was because those journalists bases their views about civilians only on opinion surveys. This election in fact clearly showed democracy of political independents.
When the Upper House election of 2001, the first national election in the 21st century was held, the move of the democratic political-independents, called “Wind” by the TV journalists, became explicit. First of all, almost all the TV-oriented journalists as well as political commentators had expected in advance that former prime minister, Ryutaro Hashimoto would be again the next prime minister by the number of his political clique, no chance for Mr. Koizumi. However, after Koizumi administration formed and he won a sweeping victory for the Upper House election in 2001 because a huge number of people voted for Liberal Democratic Party listening to him and Makiko Tanaka, then a Dietwoman, to say repeatedly that he would reform the nation even if it would result in breaking LDP. Actually he was able to become a prime minister with Makiko Tanaka’s strong support both having severely criticized LDP, and that grabbed attention from political independents.
No one has answered the question about why Koizumi administration maintained high approval rating until he left the office and where people’s expectation had been for him all the time. As seen in the privatization of Public Roads Administration as well as of postal service, Mr. Koizumi kept saying that private business could do the work much more effectively than public officials. Thus, people watched he cut deeply into vested interest of bureaucrats, which led to breaking organized votes, the supporting base for LDP by receiving benefits from bureaucracy. In contrast, political independents had already turned their back on bureaucracy and its alliance, LDP, and thereby supported Koizumi administration. However, he ended up broking the base of lives for middle-class at the same time.
It needs to be clearly noted it was not viewers but TV that theatricalized Koizumi administration in the first place. Democracy has to have functioning check and balance closely watching those in power. The Upper House election of 2007 proved people were very much able to work as balance the power and press as check. TV stations totally occupied by viewer rating absolutism make news before they air these days, indifferent to reflecting popular will. Probably it is better for political independents to speak for themselves directly to diet representatives of their electoral districts respectively.
Tokyo was one of the closely-contested electoral districts in the election this time. Although both two candidates from Democratic Party of Japan won, Mr. Ryuhei Kawada received second-highest turnout from political independents and won the seat. The present bureaucracy which has been existing ever since Edo period, survives having sacrificed so many civilians as seen in the outrageous pension issue. Mr. Kawada was one of the sacrificed and especially political independents probably found his running worthy to send him to the Diet as a representative for them.
The Japanese have to think seriously about the future of Japan, the only nation ever struck with nuclear bombs. Otherwise, there is nothing to stop the country that has once gone to war uncontrollably. WWII survivors who were sent to the war have started talking about how horrible it was. Listen to them and listen carefully to what they tell.
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