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The spring of the year 2007 began with shooting spree in Shibuya and Roppongi, the shopping and entertainment districts of Tokyo. Then, Nagasaki City Mayor was shot to death at point-blank range, following another gun shooting incident that had taken place in Machida city.
On May 17 in Aichi Prefecture, a 50-year-old former gangster shot his 2 children and locked himself in his home holding his ex-wife as a hostage. The police man who first rushed to the scene was shot resulting in a severe injury. Then, the offender again fired at the special operative officer who approached to rescue the wounded police man. The shot inflicted arterial injury on the officer and took his life.
Police negotiations didn't work and even after the hostage escaped by herself from a window in a bathroom, it took another 6 hours to take the shooter in custody. The tense standoff ended after 29 long hours indeed.
The fact that the police man who was first hit was left there not rescued for 5 hours, has sparked controversy. Another victim, the special operative officer, only 23 was killed in the line of duty leaving his wife and one 10-month-old daughter whom his colleagues said he talked about how much love he felt when he just held her in his arm.
Realizing that the 2007 is not even half way through this year, these series of shooting incidents unavoidably arouse fear that now guns are being aimed at the civil society in Japan.
There are certain questions unanswered.
・Why there was no shoot-to-kill order issued?
・Why storming the compound was not a choice?
The scenes of open fire by police when an armed offender makes a trouble can be seen in U.S.A through media, and in the country people are allowed to own guns which is totally forbidden in Japan except for those with hunting license.
However, for 29 hours, watching the news, it seemed to be that the life of this vicious criminal that no one wants back to the society, was more carefully protected than the wounded and murdered police officers.

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