憲法21条 言論と表現の自由
くつろぐブログランキング FC2 Blog Ranking
The Japan Sumo Association revoked the reporting certification from the former NHK anchor of sumo wrestling just because he nodded while other journalists criticized the association with regard to Asashoryu-related issue. This is clearly an unconstitutional act. What is regrettable is that among News programs aired tonight, only News23 reported this matter.
Under Article 21 of the Constitution with no premise, unconditionally i.e. freedom of speech and freedom of expression are guaranteed. The Constitution is the supreme law of the nation. Despite that the Japan Sumo Association is a public benefit corporation in the first place, it imposed pressure on one sumo commentator nodding to criticism made by others. This is outrageous and the association's act did serious harm to public.
The sound society needs journalists and reporters to gather news materials necessarily to let the public know what's happening so that people can think and debate. This is the fundamental of democracy. The association shocked not only sumo fans but also the society itself.
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