
速報!!年金問題続報 社保庁夏のボーナス満額



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Breaking News!! The Latest on the Pension Issue
- Summer Bonus for Social Insurance Agency -

  It seemes that so-called remedies for the pension issue will be covered by a huge amount of taxpayers' money. What is more surprising is that the Social Insurance Agency's officials who have diverted and embezzled taxpayers' pension premiums for a long time, receive 640000 yen on the average as summer bonus. Moreover, Director-General of the agency, Murase will get 2.75 million yen, who has never taken any measure to deal with this pension issue since he was questioned severely and then, stated last year that he would closely look into it. Still now, he doesn't even disclose any information on the records of pension payments. As a whole, over 10 billion yen of tax will be handed to these people at the end of this month, June for their summer bonus.

  It is said that the bonus civil officials receive has a name, payment on hard work. What the agency has done all this time should be no longer called sloppy but equal to breach of duty. Therefore, from the viewpoint of society's common sense, bonus should be zero because there has been no hard work. On the one side, the agency is said to be unraveled and changed to a pension organization and there workers are no longer civil officials, meaning they will face lay-offs. On the other side, these non-civil officials's salary will still be covered by taxpayers' money.
At first, pension records were lost when the agency started online management.
  However, the truth is that this social security system for pension was collapsed a long time ago by the hands of the agency, which new evidences revealed everyday totally back up. One of them is that Social Insurance Agency has kept all the ledgers for civil officials' pension records.
  Nevertheless, some politicians think that as the number of inquiries regarding the pension payments on the hot-line set up by the agency is decreasing, taxpayers' anger will cool down if they postpone the election day of the Upper House currently scheduled on July 22. Also, even if it doesn't cool down, the voters in disgust will pay little attention to politics anyway so that the leading coalition with block vote will win as a result. This is all wrong. The media reported that whoever you would talk to on the hot-line is a temporary worker that an official of the agency instructed "evade inquirer well".
  In the international community, Japan is viewed as economic power. There is a question though if Japan is really an advanced nation with no history of change in administration over a half century. During these years, countless numbers of problems such as corruption, breach of duty, collusive bidding and etc have occurred. But still civilians have chosen to hold status quo, and the severe condition they are facing now, is its consequence. It is beyond doubt that this pension issue has to be the key for every one of Japanese to consider how important voting really is. The future of this nation is totally up to the people who live in it.

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