前回の 住民税引き上げの記事 で、全国の地方公共団体給与サイトを紹介したが、なぜかその後ブロックされて閲覧できなくなっているので、北九州市職員の給与を独自に調べ公開する。平成17年度、彼らの年間平均給与は¥6,744,000。平成18年度4月1日、つまり今回餓死した男性の生活保護を打ち切った月の平均給与は¥451,375。昨年末の冬のボーナスは平均¥722,200。
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On July 10 a man found dead by starvation according to the district police. This man was so sick that he couldn't work and went on welfare at the end of last year. However, Kitakyushu City terminated his welfare in April this year.
In fact approximately 50 people starve to death every year in Japan, many of whom were rejected to receive welfare by their ward offices. As long as media reports, amazingly for 3 years in the row starting from 2005 one person has continued to die of starvation due to cut-offs welfare by the city. In fact, media has covered abnormality of the city that had the instruction manual about how to get away with people in suffer applying for welfare.
Although the information in this past blog Inhabitant Tax Raise Applied to Public Servants introduced the site regarding the payments for local public organization, the site has been blocked. So here is the number of the average salary that Kitakyushu City officials received in 2005, 6.744 million yen. In 2007 as of April 1 meaning that in this very month they terminated the man's welfare got 451,375 yen a month. Their winter bonus was on the average 722,200 yen.
The man who starved to death left one sentence in his diary behind "I just want to eat a rice ball".
Do these supposed to be "public servants" ever think of what a human's life is worth? They have been so used to living well off on taxpayers' money that thay can not actually even imagine it.
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